Posts tagged ‘will wright’


The Boatwhistles

M gave me a subscription to Masterclass last Solstice, and I’ve been listening to various people saying often-interesting things. One of them was Will Wright, of SimCity and The Sims and all them, and he was talking about how they are toys as much as they are games, and showing himself playing with Sims and all, and I thought “aw, I love those games, I should play them again some more!”. So I installed The Sims 4 on this here computer, found a Sims 4 save that looked recent (after finding one that was quite a bit older), and loaded it up and I’ve been managing the little people again!

And to some extent remembering why I eventually stop. 😆

Back like six years ago (good heavens), I wrote:

I sort of skipped The Sims 3 for whatever reason, and now I am playing 4 in sort of vaguely but not really Legacy Challenge style. I started with a single Young Adult sim, Tolerance Boatwhistle, in a huge lot without much money, as required, and I’ve been playing just that one lot, without extending anyone’s life, as required, but I haven’t been keeping score or using the approved trait-picking methods for offspring or anything.

So far Tolerance Boatwhistle married standard sim Liberty Lee and they begat Prudence Boatwhistle (who never had a job, but survived on her paintings, and), who (with the help of standard character Alexander Goth, who has a female voice at least in my game, and who never moved in, but did die on the lot so we have his tombstone and ghost) begat Gladstone Boatwhistle, who married townie or something Hadley (heavens I’ve forgotten her last name), and together begat Consideration Boatwhistle (who became the ultimate Bodybuilder Bro, and) who married Giovanna something (I am terrible with names, aren’t I?), and who together begat Carlton Boatwhistle and his little sister Charity Boatwhistle.

Gladstone and his Hadley just recently died of old age within minutes of each other (the Grim Reaper, who is vaguely a friend of the family by now, didn’t even have time to leave in between), so they will soon be coming in at night to eat food and chat and possess various household objects, and there are just two adults and two elementary school kids on the lot (and six gravestones and therefore potential ghosts), and things are relatively simple.

(End of flashback)

Well at some point since then Carlton married standard sim Addisyn Frazier, and they begat Modesty and Sobriety Boatwhistle. Modesty never married, but helped out Sobriety, who married Elliott Lovell and begat Perseverance, Courage, and Hope (triplets, I vaguely think, so Sobriety needed the extra help!). Courage and Hope appear not to have married (perhaps I moved them out of the lot eventually, I don’t recall), but Perseverance married Suzanne (who is listed in the records only as Suzanne Boatwhistle, so I don’t know where she came from!), and begat Jubilation Boatwhistle. Everyone before Jubilation has died of old age by now, and we have a rather magnificent graveyard out back; various Boatwhistle ancestors visit as spirits every single night, having fun and breaking the appliances.

Jubilation married one Keaton Champagne (also now deceased), and begat Magnanimity Boatwhistle, who is tending to be a gym-bro like his ancestor Consideration, and who married Eva Masterson. They now have an infant girl named Dulce, with the “Wiggly” trait. Dulce is the first “Infant” I’ve had, EA having recently (for some value of “recently”) inserted the “Infant” life-stage in between “Newborn” and “Toddler”. Jubilation seems to have just about every possible trait by now.

So let’s see the direct Boatwhistle line is therefore Tolerance, Prudence, Gladstone, Consideration, Carlton, Sobriety, Perseverance, Jubilation, Magnanimity, and Dulce. Which means Dulce is Generation Ten! Woo woo!

Here’s the current lot in all its glory:

We got a spaceship, an observatory, play equipment, an art museum out back, an extensive graveyard, and an area of columns whose only purpose is, I think, so satisfy some aspiration to live on a lot with a lot of columns, heh heh.

I’ve played it through numerous Sim days since I started writing this entry, and Dulce is now in High School, being an A student and well on her way to her third or fourth aspiration already. The family has 9,999,999 or so Simoleans, which is the most that you can have without mods, so most of the money that comes in gets truncated. I get a bit bored playing, because everything is just so easy.

I should perhaps start a brand-new household with minimal resources, just to have more to do! Or I should read more books and play fewer silly computer games… :)